
Come on in and kick off your shoes. We are just getting this BLOG off it's feet. Sorta new at this blogging thing, gonna take me a bit to get used to writing on here.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

John 16:3

It amazes me how God is able to show his presence and send messages to those who will listen, and DO believe in his presence and plan. Think about this!

Obama gave a big speech about how his faith is so "important" to him. In an attempt to convince the American people that he should be president, he said his favorite Bible verse is John 16:3.

Of course the speech writers meant John 3:16, but nobody in the Obama camp is familiar enough with scripture to catch the error, including Obama.

Do you know what John 16:3 really says? "And they will do these things because they have not known the Father nor Me."

The Holy Spirit works in strange ways.

Sure makes his continuous acts with the Muslim world interesting.

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